Bunge India's responsibility
At Bunge India Private Limited ("Bunge India"), Corporate Social Responsibility ("CSR") is considered as Bunge India's responsibility not only in creating economic value but also contributing to a healthy ecosystem and strong communities. Our endeavor is to evolve and develop appropriate business proce
Constitution of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
The board of directors of Bunge India (the "Board") have formed a Corporate Social Responsibility
Committee (the "CSR Committee") in line with section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 (the "Act").
The CSR Committee will carry out the following functions:
- to formulate and recommend to the Board, a CSR policy indicating activities to be
undertaken as specified in Schedule VII of the Act;
to recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on the activities referred to in subparagraph
(i) above; and
to monitor the CSR policy from time to time.
CSR projects, programs and activities
In accordance with the primary CSR philosophy and the specified activities under the Act read
with Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 (the "CSR Rules"), and any
amendment(s) thereof, the CSR activities of Bunge India will have the following thrust areas:
- Health & Nutrition
- Education
- Environment
- Vocational Training / Capability Building
Bunge India has also formulated its CSR Policy which is available on its corporate website
Glimpses of CSR activities along with Bunge India employee engagement activities.
Providing R.O system and shed for student’s dining - Trichy
Renovation and additional construction of primary school - Balijapalem School, Nellore, Krishnapatnam
Ground breaking ceremony – Bhumi Pujan
Infrastructure for bicycle track - Patiala
Computer lab in Govt high School Mohali
Miyawaki plantation at Smrutivan Earthquake memorial project – Bhuj
Pratham book-kit distribution at schools in Waga village (Education)
Mangrove Plantation
Bright Future - Ambadi Center (Rural Youth Development)
BAIF - Ralegaon Village Sustainability Project
Other CSR activities
Scholarship Program by Bunge
CSR Annual Report